I'm having to replace some hose clamps on my X1. The factory used the ear/Oetiker style hose clamps. Does anyone see an issue with replacing the ear clamps with the worm gear style clamps? The first ones I need to replace are on the in-line fuel filter and the hose going into the oil pump.
Ear Clamp vs Worm Gear Clamp
I'm going to argue!!!!
Yes, a screw clamp will usually do the job keeping a hose on a fitting. And for years with cars, bikes, etc. I have bought them from a hardware or automotive store to put back together hose systems.
Obviously, a screw clamp can exert more pressure. It's Obviously a more sophisticated piece of hardware than a wire or sheet metal clamp you cannot tighten, only remove with pliers ( PLIERS! HOW CRUDE! ) & fiddle back on, hoping it retains spring pressure, and that's hopefully good enough. Obviously. So I believed for decades.
Besides, you can buy a screw clamp almost anywhere, and it fits a range of sizes, instead of the spring clamps that are only good for one size. Less inventory, larger clamping surface, ( usually ) and the need to orient both types so you don't curse yourself later is the same. ( If you don't get that one, you will, someday, as you berate yourself ( If you're honest with yourself ) for not paying attention months or years ago, and you can't get the tool into position because the clamp is rotated wrong )
Then I got involved in aviation construction standards, and the core philosophy that "if a part isn't there, it cannot fail". Screw type hose clamps can loosen from vibration more easily than spring type. ( the annoying ears! ) Screw type have more parts, thus more failure modes. Screw type don't self tighten, as the flexible hose hardens with age and no longer "pushes back" on the clamp. Screw types bite into the hose, and rotate out of ideal position to finish tightening and loosen in the future.
Yes, proper spring clamps are not as readily available. And you need very specific sizes. And the tool to use them is more complex than a screw clamp. ( I added a Leatherman tool with needle nose pliers to my tool kit. Far more complex than a screw driver! ) Feel free to argue about nit picking.
On the Plus side, spring clamps self tighten as the hose ages, are easy to orient for future removal, weigh less, and age slower, though not immortal. ( it takes a lot of heat, or years, to lose spring tension )
Thus spring type hose clamps are the preferred method for engine use by multiple standards, not just cheaper and faster for the manufacturer.
But... Screw type hose clamps are cheap, readily available, and used for a century or more for repairs.
I do also want to point out that in the 21st Century, with much manufacturing out sourced to foreign countries, really lousy products that lack quality and quality control, have flooded the market. ( My former profession & obsession ) When I was a kid, it was "cheap Japanese junk", and they caught on to quality work and have redeemed themselves, see automobile and motorcycle markets. Today, I'll pick on just China and India, both countries Capable of high quality work, but also utter crud. This opinion will change over time, as it has for Japan, but Caveat Emptor!
Be very picky about what parts you buy. Screw type hose clamps are important to your happiness and safety out of proportion to their size and cost. Oiling your rear tire at highway speeds? Gasoline spraying on your legs and exhaust pipes? Buyer beware.
Despite my rant above...
Sometimes the search for perfection is the enemy of good enough. I still use the screw type clamps. On a fuel filter, and hoses you should replace as they age, they work fine, for reasonable lifespans.
Usually the orientation issue just takes a little thought. But darn if I haven't cursed myself on multiple occasions.Comment